
Over the years the Living Well with COPD program has been researched extensively. It has been implemented in different countries, with different clienteles (ranging from very light to very severe COPD), and within different contexts (pulmonary rehabilitation programs, family medicine and services in the community, telehealth and telemedicine, etc.)


Publications from clinical studies using the Living Well with COPD program 

1. Reduction of Hospital Utilization in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease: A disease-specific self-management intervention
Bourbeau J, Julien M, Maltais F, Rouleau M, Beaupré A, Bégin R, Renzi P, Nault D, Borycki E, Schwartzman K, Collet J-P, Singh R. Reduction of Hospital Utilization in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease: A disease-specific self-management intervention. Arch Int Med 2003; 163: 585-591.
Read the full text here
2. Self-management reduces both short- and long-term hospitalisation in COPD
Gadoury MA, Renzi P, Rouleau M, Maltais F, Julien M, Beaupré A, Nault D, Schwartzman, K, Bourbeau J. Self-management reduces both short- and long-term hospitalisation in COPD. Eur Respir J. 2005 Nov; 26(5):853-7
Read the full text here
3. Economic benefits of self-management education in COPD
Bourbeau J, Collet J P, Ducruet T, Schwartzman k, Nault D, Bradley C. Economic benefits of self-management education in COPD. Chest 2006; 130(6):1704-1711. Abstract.
Read the full text here
4. A self-management education program including an action plan for acute COPD exacerbations
Sedeno MF, Nault D, Hamd DH, Bourbeau J. A self-management education program including an action plan for acute COPD exacerbations. COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2009; 6(5):352-358.
Read the abstract here
5. Effect of an action plan with ongoing support by a case manager on exacerbation-related outcome in patients with COPD: a multicentre randomised controlled trial
Trappenburg JC, Monninkhof EM, Bourbeau J et al. Effect of an action plan with ongoing support by a case manager on exacerbation-related outcome in patients with COPD: a multicentre randomised controlled trial. Thorax 2011; 66(11):977-984.
Read the full text here
6. Effects of written action plan adherence on COPD exacerbation recovery
Bischoff E WMA, Hamd DH, Sedeno M et al. Effects of written action plan adherence on COPD exacerbation recovery. Thorax 2011; 66:26-31.
Read the full text here
7. Assessing education in pulmonary rehabilitation: the Understanding COPD (UCOPD) Questionnaire
O'Neill B, Earley D, McCrum-Gardner E, MacMahon J, Bradley J, 2012. Assessing education in pulmonary rehabilitation: the Understanding COPD (UCOPD) Questionnaire. Journal of COPD, 9 (2). pp. 166-174.
Read the full text here
8. Facilitating education in pulmonary rehabilitation using the Living Well with COPD programme for pulmonary rehabilitation: a process evaluation
D Cosgrove, J MacMahon, J Bourbeau, JM Bradley and B O’Neill. Facilitating education in pulmonary rehabilitation using the Living Well with COPD programme for pulmonary rehabilitation: a process evaluation. BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2013, 13:50
Read the full text here 
9. Enhancing exercise tolerance and physical activity in COPD with combined pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions: PHYSACTO randomised, placebo-controlled study design
Troosters T, Bourbeau J, Maltais F, Leidy N, Erzen D, De Sousa D, Korducki L, Hamilton A. Enhancing exercise tolerance and physical activity in COPD with combined pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions: PHYSACTO randomised, placebo-controlled study design. BMJ Open. 2016 Apr 13;6(4):e010106. 
Read the full text here

10. Do self-management interventions in COPD patients work and which patients benefit most? An individual patient data meta-analysis
Jonkman NH, Westland H, Trappenburg JC et al. Do self-management interventions in COPD patients work and which patients benefit most? An individual patient data meta-analysis. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2016 Aug 31;11:2063-74. 
Read the full text here
11. Effects of the “Living well with COPD” intervention in primary care: a comparative study
 Claudia Steurer-Stey, Kaba Dalla Lana, Julia Braun, Gerben ter Riet and Milo A. Puhan. Eur Respir J 2018 51:1701375; doi:10.1183/13993003.01375-2017
Read the Abstract here
12. COMET: a multicomponent home-based disease-management programme versus routine care in severe COPD
Romain Kessler, Pere Casan-Clara, Dieter Koehler, Silvia Tognella, Jose Luis Viejo, Roberto W. Dal Negro, Salvador Díaz-Lobato, Karina Reissig, José Miguel Rodríguez González-Moro, Gilles Devouassoux, Jean-Michel Chavaillon, Pierre Botrus, Jean-Michel Arnal, Julio Ancochea, Anne 
Bergeron-Lafaurie, Carlos De Abajo, Winfried J. Randerath, Andreas Bastian, Christian G. Cornelissen, Georg Nilius, Joëlle B. Texereau and Jean Bourbeau. Eur Respir J 2018 51:1701612; doi:10.1183/13993003.01612-2017
Read the Abstract here
13. Nationwide implementation of the self-management program “Living well with COPD”: Process and effectiveness evaluation using a mixed-methods approach

Alexandra Strassmanna, Mathias Gulerb, Claudia Steurer-Steya,c, Kaba Dalla Lanaa, Tania Carrond, Julia Brauna, Philippe Giroudb, Isabelle Peytremann-Bridevauxd, Milo A. Puhana, Anja Freia Patient Education and Counseling 2021, doi:10.1016

Read the Abstract here

Review articles

1. Self-management and behaviour modification in COPD
Bourbeau J, Nault D, Dang-Tan T. Self-management and behaviour modification in COPD. Patient Education and Counseling 2004; 52:271-277.
Read the full text here
2. Self-management interventions to improve outcomes in patients suffering from COPD
Bourbeau J. Self-management interventions to improve outcomes in patients suffering from COPD. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 2004; (1):71–77.
Read the full text here
3. Self-management strategies in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Bourbeau J, Nault D. Self-management strategies in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Clinics in Chest Medicine 2007; 28(3):617–628.
Read the abstract here
4. Education in Pulmonary Rehabilitation: The Patient's Perspective
Wilson JS, O'Neill B, Reilly J, MacMahon J, Bradley JM, 2007. Education in Pulmonary Rehabilitation: The Patient's Perspective. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 88, pp. 1704-1709.
Read the full text here
5. Promoting effective self-management programmes to improve COPD
Bourbeau J, van der Palen J. Promoting effective self-management programmes to improve COPD. Eur Respir J 2009; 33: 461–463.
Read the full text here
6. Behaviour-change intervention in a multicentre, randomised, placebo controlled COPD study: Methodological considerations and implementation
Bourbeau J, Lavoie KL, Sedeno M, De Sousa D, Erzen D, Hamilton A, Maltais F, Troosters T, Leidy N. Behaviour-change intervention in a multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled COPD study: methodological considerations and implementation. BMJ Open 6(4):e010109 · April 2016
Read the full text here
7. Telehealth pulmonary rehabilitation: A review of the literature and an example of a nationwide initiative to improve the accessibility of pulmonary rehabilitation
Selzler AM, Wald J, Sedeno M, Jourdain T, Janaudis-Ferreira T, Goldstein R, Bourbeau J, Stickland MK. Telehealth pulmonary rehabilitation: A review of the literature and an example of a nationwide initiative to improve the accessibility of pulmonary rehabilitation. Chron Respir Dis. 2017.
Read the full text here
8. Looking for a chronic care model in COPD patients

Enrico Clini, Ivana Castaniere, Roberto Tonelli
European Respiratory Journal 2018 51: 1702087

Read the Abstract here
9. Time for a longer and better life for patients with COPD

Lowie E.G.W. Vanfleteren, Anders Ullman, Leonardo M. Fabbri. European Respiratory Journal 2018 51: 1702569

Read the Abstract here

Book chapters

1. Comprehensive Management of COPD
Bourbeau J, Nault D, Borycki E. Comprehensive Management of COPD. 1st ed. BC Decker, 2002.
Link to the book here
2. The challenge of self-management
Bourbeau J, Soicher J. The challenge of self-management. In: Donner CF, Ambrosio N, Goldstein RS. Eds. Pulmonary Rehabilitation. London, Hodder Education 2005:353-361
Link to the book here
3. The economics of pulmonary rehabilitation and self-management education for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Griffith T, Bourbeau J. The economics of pulmonary rehabilitation and self-management education for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In: Donner CF, Ambrosio N, Goldstein RS. Eds. Pulmonary Rehabilitation. London, Hodder Education 2005:164-172
Link to the book here
4. Disease management program for COPD
Bourbeau J, Shrafklaneh A, Adams S. Disease management program for COPD. In: Hanania NA, Sharfklaneh A. Eds. COPD: A guide to Diagnosis and Clinical Management. Humana Press Inc. 2010
Link to the book here
5. Self-Management in Prevention and Early Intervention of Exacerbations 
M. Sedeno • Bischoff • J. Bourbeau. Self-Management in Prevention and Early Intervention of Exacerbations. In: JA Wedzicha, FJ Martinez. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbations. Informa 2008.
Link to the book here
6. Comprehensive Self-Management Strategies
Bourbeau J1, Lavoie KL2, Sedeno M3. Comprehensive Self-Management Strategies. In: Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2015 Aug;36(4):630-8..
Read the chapter here